The Sub Stops Sourpuss Cardigan Thieves!

Our friends over at The Sub (a Sourpuss retailer located in San Luis Obispo, California)
contacted us with a bit of news this Holiday season, we thought you may also get a
chuckle after reading this..

"Your Sourpuss Cardigans are so wanted in our town - people are willing to risk being arrested for them!
We recently caught our 3rd shoplifter of a Sourpuss Cardigan...Our most popular stolen item of 2011, 2nd only to Rolled Posters. The 3rd shoplifter I tackled after she tried to push me out of the way and run. Since she was a 90 pound tweeker, I won that battle and got our cardigan back.
Thank goodness for security sensors. Hope you had a Merry Christmas! :)"

We certainly don't want to have people steal from our retailers, but, I have to say we are honored
to be thought of!

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