New Swimwear from Lucy B!

lucyBswimsuits Just in these amazing throw back bikinis from the 1950's! The great news is these suits are made in the U.S.A. by Lucy B! They both feature high waist bottoms with added details on them. The Cherry Pie Bikini features 3 different patterned fabrics that all look so well together! The main fabric is a red and white gingham! It will bring back the memories of sitting in your grandmother's kitchen that she never redecorated while she baked a pie; a cherry pie! There is a small amount of Red with white polka dots mainly used as a trim on the bottoms and on the top! This top is padded and includes an under wire for extra support! The padded top features the cherry fabric on the cups and this pattern is repeated on the hips of the bottoms. The Pinup Picnic Bikini features high waist bottoms that have rouching all around. The top and bottoms are trimmed with a white scalloped cotton lace. There is a triangle of gingham on the top and it is repeated in the bows on the bottoms! The top of this suit is not padded like the cherry pie bikini and there is no under wire. Both suits are adorable and will have you looking pinup perfect on your next trip to the shore or even to the pool. gimmie_gimmie_gingham_slip_on_sneakers_1 You might want to grab a pair of these Gimme Gimme Gingham Slip on sneakers to wear to the pool! They are super easy to slip off and on to avoid burning your feet on the hot sand or even on the pavement around the pool.  
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